New Great Skin Care Treatments

Beautiful woman with clear skin. It's possible with a skin care treatments at Chicago's Nima Skin Institute including AviClear and Secret RF

Patients have skin care needs, and that’s exactly why I’m pleased to offer two new treatments: AviClear and Secret RF.


This FDA-cleared state-of-the-art acne solution is an excellent treatment for many patients with mild to severe acne. It’s safe, prescription-free, faster, and a more effective way to clear your facial skin and keep it that way. 

AviClear is an energy device, and like most laser treatments, multiple sessions are needed for patients to see optimal and long-lasting results. You’ll need three treatments spaced 3 – 4 weeks apart. You’ll see the best results about 4 – 12 weeks after the final treatment. Not only does this treatment reduce existing acne, but following a proper course of AviClear treatments, future breakouts are less frequent, less severe and shorter overall.

AviClear is designed to treat all types of mild to severe acne (e.g., cystic, inflammatory and hormonal). That means virtually anyone who struggles with acne can benefit from this laser treatment. Age isn’t a factor either, so teens and older adults alike can benefit from AviClear treatments. This energy device treatment is safe and effective for all types of skin and skin tones.

Secret RF 

Secret RF is ideal for improving aging skin, photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, scars, acnes scars, skin quality and striae. It uses microneedles to deliver radio frequency (RF) energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. Unlike other devices which only deposit energy in upper layer of the skin, Secret RF delivers RF energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types. 

This treatment is easy, safe, and effective and can be performed in a 60-75 minute treatment session. Prior to the procedure, we apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to increase your comfort. 

Safe and effective for all skin types and patients seeking skin revitalization, you’ll need 3 – 4 treatments spaced 4 – 6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Most patients report seeing improvement after the second treatment; however results are optimized three months after the last treatment. 

To maintain results, maintenance treatments are recommended every 6– 18 months. 

Are either of these right for you?

Please feel free to contact us to make an appointment for your AviClear, Secret RF or any other medical and cosmetic dermatological service.