Winter Skin: Give it special love

Couple outdoors winter skin care tips

Feeling the effects of our winter on your skin? It’s no surprise. Cold dry air plus indoor heat are working against your best efforts to keep your skin looking and feeling its best. But fear not: it’s not hopeless. There are several steps you can take to counter the effects of our cold Chicago winter:


The moisturizers you used all summer and even this fall won’t provide enough protection for your winter skin. This time of year, you don’t have to apply more moisturizer all at once. Instead, use a moisturizer that’s more effective for drier skin. And apply it more often.

Avoid Drying Agents

Although alcohol, alpha-hydroxy acids and benzoyl peroxide products have their place in skin care, they aren’t very good to use in winter months. Choose products that will keep your skin clean but not dried out. 

Protect your hands 

Every time you put on and take off your gloves, essential moisturizers get stripped from your hands. Reapply moisturizers to your hands often. I recommend carrying a small tube in your purse or pocket, and use it as often as possible.

Love your lips 

Your poor lips! They are exposed to the elements too much. Take good care of them by using a lip balm. If you keep them covered with a scarf, that will only help a bit. The cold air will still affect them, and your scarf can wipe off any lip balm you put on. Reapply often. 

Remember your sunscreen

Just because it’s cold or even gray outside, it doesn’t mean you can skip the sunscreen. You can’t! Sunscreen helps block the sun’s harmful UV rays, the rays that can cause skin cancer, as well as premature skin aging. This is important for your lips, too. Make sure your lip balm contains SPF.

Here for your dermatological needs

Proper skin care requires daily maintenance and a well-conceived plan for your skin type, lifestyle, and needs. I provide both medical and cosmetic dermatological services. Please feel free to contact us to make an appointment.